GAFAM: Modern feudalism & global supremacy

Simon d'Orlaq
4 min readJan 14, 2021

We recently witnessed GAFAM’s ability to undermine democracy by suspending public freedoms and attacking thousands of individuals by banning them from networks for no reason other than their political opinion, and threatening them with the loss of their work and that the companies that hire them would be censored.

This is a real coup and an attack on fundamental freedoms, and it is certainly the basis of an era of uprisings and abuses that will arise very quickly. In this regard, do you know why we have created specifically in modern times, elections? But first of all, let’s go back to Antiquity and more precisely to ancient Greece and its system of deliberation, the citizen was recognized as being endowed with reason, which will lead to an isegory (equal access to speech) and an isonomy ( equality before the law).

Note that in today’s modern democracies both have been suspended, they are no longer democracies. Just as the freedom of the citizen to knowingly take a decision in the name of the interest of the city, and this in the framework of particular votes. For example, in modern democracies elections have been held to prevent various factions from taking to the streets through power struggles and political wrangling over the transfer of power. As there will be no more elections worthy of the name, we will be moving towards a civic resignation and a transfer of the different political fields into violent conflicts.

Thanks’ to the leaders of GAFAM who will have triggered this quite outside the context of their commercial activities. However it is important that a commercial company remains commercial and non-citizen, why? Because the enterprise is a totalitarian fact by nature,that is to say that in reality the private enterprise is there for the purposes of control and profit it has nothing to do with the common good and it’s normal. Their owners do activities because they want to be rich, for the most part they don’t give a damn about the common good, and it is not their job, we have to recognize this fact.

We should not ask very large companies where the criterion of profitability is the only thing that make their world, to invest for the common good, for the sole reason that profitability is the only characteristic of large companies and which is to bring money back to the shareholder.

All reality is included in this system. It is a totalizing and totalitarian reality. In most large companies, if one wonders about the ecological impact, the social impact, the impact in terms of the common good, or the deep meaning of their activities, most executives would commit suicide, it is why on a western scale leaders are not doing well. And when we ask these companies to manage the common good, they manage it in a totalitarian way,that is to say that as they would eliminate an employee who is not profitable enough, they eliminate the divergent opinions because the big company is the last social structure where the revolution of the individual has never taken place.

We make believe by a kind of neo management that the hierarchy shies away from its responsibility on the weakest link of the hierarchy in order to be able to break it if necessary, but the company has never understood the democratic revolution, and this is for this reason that the system of participation conflicts with the culture of western enterprise.

When political power is no longer an obstacle, the natural slope of big business is feudalism and its violence, taken in its current sense and not in its historical sense.

What we have to understand is that we cannot let people who have no legitimacy destroy what little we have left of our democracies, so there are not forty choices but only to multiply the networks on the net, in particular alternative networks, and on the other hand to use non-Western networks such as the Russians but especially Chinese or Asian networks in general.

We must also, as some financial experts warn, leave nothing in terms of savings in the West. We must let the Western delirium go to the end, and the hardest will be the fall, after we will see how the GAFAM will react, while they have already revealed their allergy and their hatred of democracy and their character of nuisances.

This is where we see the benefit of anti-trust laws, strong states, but also to make shareholders’ committees and large companies understand that they are based on men and that if they interfere against the best interests of the nation, they can be quite put in their place.

These are the very dark questions of the West, which will occur but there will be no recovery if we sidestep these questions, because at one point there is a fundamental equality of human beings it is this equality that gives rise according to Thomas Hobbes, with political structures, has the fear of mutual destruction and violent death, in addition multiplied by the need for monopolization and jealousy.

At one point, the Leviathan could not let the feudalists regain power because they act like leeches and suppress debates, moreover due to their monopolistic structure paralyze research and are today the accelerators of the degeneration of the West.

Without a new complete reform of powers, we will not be able to regain the space of freedom without which the Western adventure will dry up. We have used our will and our desire for freedom as the leading lines of an adventure that is a thousand years old and which today could quite slip into the night.

