The twenty-first century will be fully connected and altruistic, or it will not be.

Simon d'Orlaq
2 min readJan 5, 2021

The precursor signs at the start of this year of the intensification of global chaos in all areas, whether economic, political, social but also public health, are they the consequence of a revolution or of an evolution,marking the end of an era when humanity has reached a level that leads it to further push its aspirations for the fullness of life and its thirst for absolutism?

In fact, what is happening is nothing more normal since the existence of man, his history through the centuries testifies to this long journey in search of the meaning of his existence.

But can we speak of revolution here? Certainly not if we refer to the etymology of the word indicating a return to the past or a new beginning, but with certain gains. If so, it would mean that humanity would regress or at best vegetate in its illusory comfort zone where materialism would dominate as a universal value.

Fortunately this is not the case, the maintenance of an order erected on a global system of production and superfluous consumption for the sole reason that selfish and individual enrichment and satisfaction have had their day.

The chaos here, which we might compare to a kind of wiping the slate, allows us to declutter everything that is unnecessary in the ongoing process of our evolution,in order to alleviate the distress generated by the mad rush of our desires to seize futile and ephemeral satisfactions.

A new era is being established voluntarily or by force as part of the natural plan for our human evolution to continue, this time this evolutionary field will include the establishment of a system of integral connection and mutual guarantees between nations, sine qua non conditions for humanity to survive.

André Malraux had said “the twenty-first century will be spiritual, or it will not be”, we can add that it will also be fully connected and altruistic, or it will not be.

